Premenstrual molimen and dysmenorrheal. Ingredients: Angelica sinensis (fried), Nutgrass galingale rhizome (prepared), root of herbaceous peony (fried), corydalis tuber (fried), Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort (fried), Licorice root (moxibustion), Danshen root, Chinaberry fruit (fried), safflower etc. Upgrade of Protected Chinese Traditional Medicine Product Tongjing Ning Syrup. It is imperial secret recipe of dysmenorrheal treatment. Relieve pain + regulate menstruation, treating both principal and secondary aspect of disease. As for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, western medicine focus on symptomatic therapy to relief pain with depressant and prostaglandin inhibitor, though it can take effect quickly, the side effect is obvious and its effect can not last long. While Chinese Traditional Medicine viewing body as a whole, its diagnosis and treatment is based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient’s condition. In spite of the speed of pain relief is not as quick as Western Medicine, but it can cure the disease thoroughly after a systematic therapy. Chinese Traditional Medicine get to know this disease very early, and have formed therapy system, the therapy system is very unique, in addition, Chinese Traditional Medicine have explored many prescriptions for cure this disease which are all effective, it also developed some safe, effectual, unique Traditional Chinese Medicine Compounds, the Tongjing Ning Capsule is one of them. The Tongjing Ning Capsule has been used clinically for many years, its effectiveness is confirmed already, and highly praised and recognized by patients and doctors. However, its high sugar content may cause female obesity, the development of “Tongjing Ning Capsule” improved product quality, provided patient a new product which is easy to take, easy to store, no sugar content, and no preservative.